Middletown, Delaware
Hunger in Delaware
121,850 Delaware residents are food insecure. Although the number of hungry people in Delaware seems smaller to other states in comparison, for a small state these rising numbers are alarming. Delaware has a hunger rate of 12.6% which has increased from 12% last year. 1 in 8 Delaware residents is considered hungry with an even scarier statistic of 1 in 5 children being hungry. Kent County, Delaware’s least populated county, has the greatest rate of food insecurity at 12.6% followed by New Castle County then Sussex County. It is important to remember and help those in Delaware who are hungry and those becoming food insecure.

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact RoundTable at weroundtablenp@gmail.com or Middletown's local representative, Katie Lawrence at roundtablemiddletown@gmail.com.